Thursday, July 19, 2012


Yesterday our community got to experience something that no community should ever have to deal with. The body of Us Soldier Clarence Williams III was brought home via escort from McDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fl. Along the route men, women and children in many towns stood beside the road with flags flying, Saluting, and honoring this American Hero. For miles along the 2 hours path people paid their respects as Americans in THANKS for all he had done while serving our country! I was very honored to be a part of this AMAZING HOMECOMING! I am PROUD to be an American, THANKFUL for our Military and all they do. No Soldier should have to come home this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are a few images from our experience. The Horse Of The Fallen Soldier Images say it all............ RIP Clarence Williams III 12/27/1988-07/08/2012


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